josh taylor

Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP)

Passed by the Mississippi Legislature in 1997 (see history below), the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) served as the funding mechanism for public schools until it was replaced in 2024 by the Mississippi Student Funding Formula (MSFF).  The MAEP provided a formula designed to ensure an adequate education for every Mississippi child — whether that […]

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Achievement Impact of Private School Vouchers

Indiana Vouchers – Substantial, Enduring Achievement Losses An August 2018 report1, based on six years of longitudinal data from the nation’s largest voucher program, found that voucher students had “substantial average achievement loss” in math and no significant difference in English language arts compared to their public school peers. Public and private school students in Indiana

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Literacy and Third-grade Reading

Despite myriad challenges, Mississippi’s fourth graders have for more than two decades outpaced the U.S. average in improvement in national reading scores. This steady growth means our students now rank 21st in the nation in fourth-grade reading; Mississippi students living in low-wealth households rank 2nd in the nation when compared to low-wealth children in other

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School Choice: Myth vs Truth

MYTH #1: Vouchers give parents the freedom to choose. TRUTH: It’s the private schools that do the choosing, not parents. Private voucher schools choose the students they want and routinely deny admission to voucher recipients. MYTH #2: Vouchers help low income students. TRUTH: Voucher schools charge tuition in excess of what the voucher pays, do not provide

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Chickasaw Cession

The treaty with the Chickasaw Indian Nation ceding their land to the United States failed to specifically reserve Sixteenth Sections, and when the lands were later sold by the government, no provision was made for the reservation of school trust lands. Later, the United States granted the State of Mississippi lieu land as compensation for

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Initiative 42 – Constitutional Amendment

Initiative 42 was a citizen-sponsored amendment to the State Constitution, placed on the November 2015 ballot for statewide vote. The Mississippi Legislature added to the ballot its own legislative alternative, Measure 42A. Neither measure was approved by voters. See certified election results. Initiative 42 would: Bring the education section of Mississippi’s constitution in line with the education

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School District Fund Balances

Politicians and members of the public sometimes ask why schools aren’t using their reserve fund balances to cover the dramatic shortfalls in state funding they have experienced over the last few years. What are Fund Balances? School district cash flow reserve funds (to which some have referred as school district rainy day funds) differ from what

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