School Funding

2024 Senate Proposal to Amend MAEP

In the 2024 Legislative Session, the Senate proposed amendments to the Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) via Senate Bill 2332. These amendments include adjustments to the inflation component that were put forward  but not enacted in 2023. SB 2332 amends the MAEP to increase the maximum amount in local contribution that wealthier school districts must

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Chickasaw Cession

The treaty with the Chickasaw Indian Nation ceding their land to the United States failed to specifically reserve Sixteenth Sections, and when the lands were later sold by the government, no provision was made for the reservation of school trust lands. Later, the United States granted the State of Mississippi lieu land as compensation for

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Initiative 42 – Constitutional Amendment

Initiative 42 was a citizen-sponsored amendment to the State Constitution, placed on the November 2015 ballot for statewide vote. The Mississippi Legislature added to the ballot its own legislative alternative, Measure 42A. Neither measure was approved by voters. See certified election results. Initiative 42 would: Bring the education section of Mississippi’s constitution in line with the education

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School District Fund Balances

Politicians and members of the public sometimes ask why schools aren’t using their reserve fund balances to cover the dramatic shortfalls in state funding they have experienced over the last few years. What are Fund Balances? School district cash flow reserve funds (to which some have referred as school district rainy day funds) differ from what

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The 60% Myth

Politicians often use the percent of the state budget that is dedicated to public schools as evidence of their support of K-12 education. You have probably heard them claim that education makes up over 60% of the total state budget. That is simply not true. While it is true that all of education – including

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Changes in District Point Totals, 2016 to 2017

The Parents’ Campaign Research and Education Fund reviewed and compared changes in school districts’ total points scored from 2016 to 2017 on the 1,000-point Accountability Rating scale. The following shows changes – increases and decreases – by rating level (A-F). Districts Rated F in 2016: 17 of 19 F-rated districts gained ground in total points (largest gain for an

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