josh taylor

Unfunded Mandates

Despite being underfunded by more than $1.6-billion in the last six years, schools have seen their standards rise significantly and their administrative duties spike upward due to mandates by the State Legislature and policy requirements at the state and federal levels. Incredibly, as the Legislature has continued to pile on the administrative functions required of

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Three Charter School Applications Advance to Next Stage

The Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board announced that three of the 12 originally submitted charter school applications have been approved to move forward to the third stage of the application process. In this stage, applicants will participate in capacity interviews to be conducted by evaluation teams. The completeness and eligibility reviews found that information was

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Legislature Votes to Fully Fund MAEP in 2003, 2007, 2008, and 2009

Prior to the “Great Recession,” support among legislators for adequate school funding was strong. The Mississippi Adequate Education Program (MAEP) formula, passed into law in 1997 and phased in over a number of years, was fully funded for the first time in 2003. Four years later, bolstered by strong constituent support, Governor Haley Barbour, in

Legislature Votes to Fully Fund MAEP in 2003, 2007, 2008, and 2009 Read More »

Joint Legislative Budget Committee Recommends Underfunding MAEP by $284.5-million

Our children’s education is, once again, at the bottom of the priority list for the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC). That committee has announced its budget recommendation for Fiscal Year 2015, the budget that will be debated in the 2014 Legislative Session. Despite an end-of-year budget surplus of $295-million and increases in state revenue for four

Joint Legislative Budget Committee Recommends Underfunding MAEP by $284.5-million Read More »

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