Funding by Fiscal Year
Funding by Fiscal Year
Explore the links below to view funding allocations per district for each school year, budget comparisons, detailed charts and graphs, and other information regarding education funding and its relationship to Mississippi’s state budget. School district allocations for 2024-2025, based on the new Mississippi Student Funding Formula (MSFF) that was enacted in the 2024 Legislative Session, can be found in the section “School Funding FY2025.”
School Funding FY2025
School Funding FY2024
School Funding FY2018
School Funding FY2017
Schools for Blind and Deaf Face Budget Cuts
Mississippi Schools for the Blind and the Deaf are fully accredited elementary and secondary programs (K-12) designed to focus on the unique learning needs of
School Funding FY2016
School Funding FY2015
Joint Legislative Budget Committee Recommends Underfunding MAEP by $284.5-million
Our children’s education is, once again, at the bottom of the priority list for the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC). That committee has announced its budget
School Funding and the State Budget, FY2008 vs. FY2015
Prior to the Great Recession, 2008 was the high-water mark for state funding. That was also the last year that Mississippi’s public schools were fully